Monday, September 22, 2008

Answer to Prayer

I am writing to let you all know that my tourist visa application was accepted and I recieved it today. Thank you so much for all the prayers! I know that this is where God is sending me!


A. N. said...

Tina! I found your page! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait until I can go as a missionary.

I'm so looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing stories of your adventures. God's going to make the time there so valuable and experience-full. Life-changing is I'm sure what it will be. Ah man, just thinking about you going makes me excited for when I go :) I don't know when that will be, but it's in my plans (and hopefully God's plans for me as well).

God bless you and the work He's sending you to do.

Much love.

- Adam

tyler said...

You're going to India!!!! How exciting!! I'm so happy for you. Talk to you more later.

Kandice from: TimeTwoTeach said...

TINA!!! i am praying for you hard core! I got to talk to Kate last night! That was so good! Tina, It is going to be tough, I won´t lie, but you will do great, I´m adjusting well... But it´s not easy, afterall, this is not america by any means... But we do have Pizza Hut, haha. I love your blog... how did you make it cool like that? I don´t know what I´m doing.... i miss you lots Tina, I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! And Guess what, You know ¨his Princess¨ all of us girls get together every night and I read one a day to them. It´s been so great. THank you so much!

Kandice from: TimeTwoTeach said...

TIna! My email is what is yours? Email me and I will email you back! Teaching skills... well they develop as you go I guess. My kids are extremely rowdy and loud, so now i started a system where I count until they sit down and are quiet. then i write that number on the board and at recess i make them sit there after the bell rings until i am done counting to the number taht they made me count to. works like a charm. Try it if you need to!
hopefully you won´ñt have that problem! miss you lots! love you!