Saturday, March 28, 2009


Have you ever been so trapped by something that it starts to define you? It becomes a part of you and makes you, YOU. You don’t even know how you landed behind the bars of this thing or emotion but it seems to limit you. It’s almost as if we lie to our self and tell our self that whatever “it” is, is not really there. Often times it just seems so impossible to remove that we just grow with this thing and it begins to label our identity and worth. To imagine life without it seems strange and almost uncomfortable.

After being away from my reality for almost 6 months, I feel like I’ve found my freedom from such things that have held me hostage for so long and oh, the joy I have found! I can't even describe it. The first step of admitting that something was trapping me and beginning to define me was the hardest part. It wasn’t easy, but after much prayer and hard work I finally feel free. It’s not over and I’m not finished, I still have to return back to my reality and face the bars of imprisonment there. My fear is that I won’t have the strength to stand for my new found freedom. May God’s absolute presence be the defining strength that sets me free.


TaraB said...

Streettchh!! Tina, you inspire me. I'm so glad that your experience there is showing you who God is in all different kinds of ways. May you hold tight to that for the rest of your life. See you soon friend!

gulkiz said...

I just found your blog. My husband David and I were there for two months during the construction of the school and I helped pastor Rimsu write the application for student missionaries. I am so glad you are there! Thank you for going!!! Did you get a chance to meet Manju? My heart aches for the faculty member who lost a child. Our prayers are with them and you.

Kandice from: TimeTwoTeach said...

Tina! You are incredible. I completely agree with you. But you can stay free, and you will, God will make it so you can.
I love you Tina. So much.