Monday, May 18, 2009

ACCEPT rather than EXPECT

How much do we expect?
From strangers, friends, family, ourselves, and even God?
What do we expect to gain from certain experiences or situations?
We expect a smile from a stranger, we expect good advice from friends, we expect words of encouragement from family, we expect success for ourselves, and peace from God.

How often do we accept?
Accept a bad situation, strangers, friends, family, ourselves, and even God?
Can we accept anything we don't expect?
Accept a stranger's darting eyes, a friends quiet avoidance, a family members harsh words, or God's unanswered prayers.

We cause ourselves pain when we expect and find we've been let down. We cause others pain when we expect of them and they feel judged. We cause God pain when we expect of Him and later curse Him when we feel as though we are being punished.

Why do we do this to our loved ones and ourselves? It takes the joy out of our lives and faith. Try it one day.

Focus on the acceptance rather than the expectations.

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